Everything You Need to Know about Section 8 Housing

Understanding the Section 8 housing program can be difficult. It can seem daunting if you’re not familiar with this sort of government program regarding essential facts like income levels, the application process, receiving assistance, and more. Here we’ll review the significant Section 8 pieces of information you will need to know before applying and how to apply.

What is Section 8?

The “Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program” is a type of government assistance for individuals and families seeking affordable rental housing. More than 5 million American households live in Section 8 housing and take advantage of the voucher program to reduce their monthly cost of living. The goal of the Section 8 program is simple: “help low-income Americans find suitable housing and a decent living environment at a cost they can afford.”

The program goes outside of traditional public housing units or rent-fixed buildings. It is a voucher for a portion of the monthly rental payment. If you meet the income requirements, you can apply to the program to receive the monthly rental voucher. You then get approved and selected to receive the voucher and move to find qualified housing. In that case, your local housing authority will automatically pay a portion or all of your rent directly to the landlord each month.

How Much Does the Section 8 Housing Voucher Pay?

If your application is accepted, the amount the voucher pays will vary based on your income level. The payments can cover all of your monthly rental bills or a portion based on your income. Typically, average households pay about 30% – 40% of their income in rent each month. The voucher is based on this versus your income filings.

Finding Good Section 8 Information is Difficult

One of the serious problems facing individuals and families looking to take advantage of the Section 8 Housing Voucher is that information is either hard to find or difficult to understand. If you search for resources on government websites, the language is difficult to understand, and their online resources are hard to navigate. Luckily, various nonprofits and non-government agencies are dedicated to making this process easier and helping families looking for affordable housing. They do their best to fill the information gaps left by government agencies and have helped countless families take advantage of the Section 8 voucher program.

What if your application is received, but you can’t get any help finding housing? This is part of the problem individuals and families are facing. Landlords and housing companies often do not know or withhold information regarding Section 8 housing and may even refuse to offer Section 8 housing.

The Section 8 Application Process

Before applying for Section 8, there are some things you need to know:

  • Where you are or want to live: every local housing authority across the US has different rules regarding Section 8. Deciding where you want to live is the first step to contacting the correct housing department. Find a complete list of local housing authorities here. You can still apply if you don’t live in a specific location, so keep that in mind.
  • Your income level: The program is only for those making less than a particular amount depending on the location. After choosing the area you want to live in, go to the local housing authority website to learn about the income requirements and if you qualify. You can use this resource to see whether you and your household members meet the criteria.
  • Immigration status: A minimum of one person in the household must be a legal USA resident to apply for Section 8.
  • Criminal history: all local housing authorities will do criminal background checks on the applicants, but each looks at things with different rules. You can still get approved if you have a felony or are on parole. NOTE: If you or a household member is on a permanent (lifelong) sex offender registry, you cannot apply.

How to Apply

Use helpful tools like email and set up alerts to stay in the loop. Be sure you have a good mailing address to accept mail.

  • Stay informed: go to this website to find available waitlists and sign up. Sign up for email alerts and be in the loop when something opens up in your area.
  • Apply to more than one: you should be flexible and apply to more than one waitlist.
  • Never pay for your Section 8 application: you do not pay anything to apply, so be aware of online scams offering a speedy application for a fee.

What to do While You’re on a Section 8 Waitlist

If you’re already on a waitlist, you can still be proactive.

  • Be available: be sure you’re checking your emails and housing authority for updates
  • Keep all communications with the housing authority
  • Keep applying if a new waitlist opens or positions become available
  • Be patient, as it can take some time

What to do After You are Approved

  • Represent yourself: if you have questions, ask them via email or phone. You don’t just apply and get approval; you often must advocate for yourself and be involved in the process while remaining in contact with the housing authority.
  • Do things on time: there are time limits, requirements, and deadlines, so be sure you’re not missing those.
  • Go to your in-person “briefing”: every local housing authority is legally required to offer an in-person meeting to review the application status and provide information. Please take advantage of it.

Understanding Section 8 Housing Vouchers

These vouchers can be difficult to understand if you’re not used to reviewing government forms. Be sure to familiarize yourself with a Section 8 voucher before you get approval. Here is a helpful resource: Familiarize yourself with a Section 8 Voucher.

Housing Search Tips

Be sure to document everything. Write down what you’ve done and where you’re going, take pictures and save emails, to be sure you have kept a complete record of the entire application and housing search process. It would be best if you documented the following:

  • Date, time, and place where any meetings take place
  • Get the name and title of everyone you speak with on the phone or meet in person
  • Get the complete address of the house or apartment you want to rent as well as the variety of building it is
  • Search online for housing on the HUD website: use this map to find suitable locations where you want to live that offer Section 8 housing


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