Understanding Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Hard times can fall on even the most financially stable American households. Luckily, various federal and state-run assistance programs can act as a bridge to help a family get through a difficult time. If you can’t find a job, are unable to work due to outside circumstances like injury, or your job doesn’t pay enough to cover your expenses, programs like Temporary Assistance (TANF) may be able to see you through these lean times.

Different Benefit Programs

There are two main types of Temporary Assistance, known as Safety Net Assistance (SNA) and Family Assistance (FA). The programs were created to offer the same level of assistance to American households but have a few different rules and are for varying types of populations. Knowing the differences and if you qualify for either of the programs is essential.

Temporary Assistance for Need Families (TANF)

TANF is the federal government’s program to help low incomes families and individuals with children. Each state has its own version, which falls under the TANF umbrella. Click here to find out how to apply for these programs and if you qualify for TANF in your state.

TANF Requirements

TANF provides financial assistance to individuals and families who qualify but are not eligible for the Family Assistance program. TANF is for people or families who meet some or all of these criteria:

  • Single adults
  • Children living apart from their adult guardian
  • Couples without children
  • Families of individuals who have documented use of abusing alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Families of individuals who refuse drug or alcohol treatment, addiction assessment, or drug and alcohol toxicology screenings
  • Non-US citizens who are eligible for Temporary Assistance but who do not qualify for federal reimbursement

The TANF benefits can run for up to two years in an individual’s lifetime. Recipients of TANF who can work must follow the TANF work requirements, so be sure you know them. After two years, assistance is still available in non-cash forms, such as payments directly to a household utility company or landlord.

Immigration Eligibility

Federal law disallows the use of TANF money to assist those with a qualified immigration status after 1996 for a minimum of 5 years. This prevents cash assistance, TANF-funded transportation, child care services, job training programs, or other work support programs. If children in a household are U.S. citizens but their parents are not, they are still eligible regardless of their parent’s immigration status. Other assistance programs are available to immigrants within their 5-year bar window. TANF funds are only authorized for individuals with documented legal status. Those who are undocumented do not qualify for any TANF assistance.

Child Support

US Federal law requires that all people participating in TANF assign their rights to child support for their state. This means that their state can hold the money it receives from the non-custodial guardian and reimburse itself and the US government for the cost of assisting. TANF participants must cooperate with the child support enforcement they have been given (payments, care, etc.), or they will have the benefit revoked outright or greatly reduced.

Eligibility for Individuals with Drug Felony Convictions

When TANF was created in 1996, the law had a lifetime ban on benefits to those convicted of drug felonies, though some states can fully or partially lift this. Seven states continue with a complete ban for life from TANF benefits while Washington D.C. and 18 other states have lifted the ban in part. This means that in those 18 states and D.C. if you have a drug felony conviction, you are still eligible to qualify for TANF assistance. Half of the United States has wholly lifted this lifetime ban.

TANF Managing Agency

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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